How Do I Find New Carriers To Dispatch?

How Do I Find New Carriers To Dispatch?

Are you struggling to find new carriers for your dispatch service? It can be a daunting task, but there are several ways to expand your network and connect with reliable carriers.

By utilizing online load boards, leveraging social media, attending industry events and conferences, reaching out to local trucking companies and owner-operators, and asking for referrals from current carriers and clients, you can build a strong carrier base to keep your business running smoothly.

Online load boards are a great resource for finding available loads and connecting with carriers who have the capacity to haul them. These platforms allow you to post your loads and receive bids from interested carriers. You can also search for carriers based on factors such as location, equipment type, or rating.

With many load boards offering free trials or low-cost memberships, it’s easy to get started with this method of finding new carriers.

Utilizing Online Load Boards to Find Carriers

Get pumped to discover fresh and reliable carriers by surfing through online load boards! These digital platforms are a great way to connect with carriers who are available in your area and looking for work. Load boards like DAT,, and 123Loadboard allow you to post available loads, search for trucks based on location, capacity, or equipment type, and communicate directly with carriers.

When searching for carriers on load boards, it’s important to be specific about your needs. Make sure to include the origin and destination of the load, as well as any special requirements.

To make the most out of online load boards, consider signing up for premium membership options. These usually come with additional features like email alerts when new loads are posted that match your criteria or access to real-time tracking information. By investing in these resources, you’ll be able to find reliable carriers quickly and efficiently – freeing up more time for other aspects of managing your dispatch operations.

Ready to take your carrier connections to the next level? Consider leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook to expand your network even further!

Leveraging Social Media for Carrier Connections

By utilizing social media, you can easily connect with potential carriers and expand your network. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook have become popular tools for businesses to find new partners and build relationships. You can use these platforms to post about your business, share industry news, and engage in conversations with other professionals in the logistics industry.

LinkedIn is a great platform to find carriers as it allows you to search for individuals based on their job title or company name. You can also join groups related to the trucking industry where carriers may be posting about available capacity or looking for new business opportunities. Facebook groups dedicated to trucking are also a good resource for finding carriers.

In addition to online resources, attending industry events and conferences can help you make valuable connections with carriers face-to-face. These events provide the opportunity for networking, attending educational sessions, and meeting with potential partners.

By combining online efforts with in-person interactions at these events, you can build a strong network of reliable carrier options for your dispatch needs.

Attending Industry Events and Conferences

Attending industry events and conferences is a fantastic way for you to connect with like-minded professionals and build meaningful relationships with potential carrier partners, giving you the opportunity to expand your business and achieve greater success.

These events provide an excellent platform for networking, exchanging ideas, and learning about new trends in the industry. By attending these events regularly, you can establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field and make valuable connections that could potentially lead to profitable partnerships.

One great advantage of attending industry events is that you get to meet people face-to-face. This makes it easier to establish a rapport with potential carriers, which can be difficult when communicating online or over the phone. You also get to see first-hand how they conduct themselves professionally, which gives you a better idea of their work ethics and values.

Attending these events also gives you access to valuable information that may not be readily available elsewhere.

In conclusion, attending industry events is an effective way for you to find new carriers for dispatch. It allows you to create lasting relationships with other professionals in your field while staying up-to-date on the latest trends and news. In addition to this strategy, other ways can help expand your pool of carriers, such as referrals from current carriers and clients.

Referrals from Current Carriers and Clients

If you’re looking to expand your network of carrier partners, consider tapping into the connections of your current carriers and clients. One of the best ways to find new carriers is by asking for referrals from those who already work with you.

Current carriers and clients have firsthand experience with other carriers in the industry, so their referrals can be a valuable resource in finding new partnerships. They may also have relationships with carriers that specialize in certain types of freight, which can help you expand your service offerings. Additionally, when working with a referred carrier, there’s often an established level of trust between parties since they come recommended by someone you already work with.

By utilizing referrals from current carriers and clients, you’ll be able to grow your network while also building stronger relationships within your existing partnerships.

Reaching Out to Local Trucking Companies and Owner-Operators

To expand your network of carrier partners and increase your service offerings, consider contacting local trucking companies and owner-operators directly. You may need to start marketing your truck dispatching business, in order to attract more clients. 

Start by doing some research online to find out which companies operate in your area.  You can also ask other industry professionals for recommendations.

Once you’ve identified potential carriers, reach out to them via email or phone call to introduce yourself and explain your services and how you can help them.

When speaking with potential carriers, be sure to ask questions about their experience, equipment, insurance coverage, and their target weekly gross. T

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes to avoid when trying to find new carriers for dispatch?

When searching for new carriers to dispatch, it’s important to avoid some common mistakes that can hinder your success.

One mistake is only relying on one source for finding carriers, such as job boards or load boards.

Another mistake is not being clear about your expectations and requirements for carriers, which can lead to miscommunications and misunderstandings down the line.

Additionally, not doing proper research on potential carriers before hiring them can result in poor performance and even legal issues.

By avoiding these mistakes and taking a proactive approach to finding new carriers through various sources, you can increase your chances of success in dispatching.

How can I ensure that the carriers I find are reliable and trustworthy?

To ensure that the carriers you find are reliable and trustworthy, it’s important to do your research.

Start by checking their safety ratings and insurance coverage. Consider their equipment and maintenance history as well as their experience in the industry.

Once you’ve found potential carriers, establish clear communication and expectations upfront to avoid any misunderstandings or issues down the line. Regularly evaluate their performance to ensure they continue to meet your standards.

By taking these steps, you can feel confident in the carriers you choose for dispatching.


So, there you have it – four effective ways to find new carriers to dispatch! By utilizing online load boards, leveraging social media, attending industry events and conferences, and reaching out to local trucking companies and owner-operators, you can expand your network of reliable carriers.

Remember to always be professional and respectful in your communication with potential carriers. Building strong relationships with carriers is essential for the success of your business.

Don’t be afraid to try different strategies or explore new avenues for finding carriers. With a little effort and persistence, you’ll be able to build a network of dependable carriers who can help you meet your clients’ needs and grow your business.

Good luck!
